
5 Common Problems Caused by Clogged Gutters

by Justin Metz on October 17, 2018

Raising a ladder to dig mud and leaves from your gutters never sounds like a fun job. But if you’re a homeowner, it’s worth the hassle. That’s because cleaning your gutters can help prevent anything from bees’ nests to a bad foundation.

Your gutters and downspouts are designed to divert the flow of water away from your home. It’s an important job, because even a little bit of water can cause a lot of damage.

This year, resist the urge to put off the chore. Need some motivation? Learn about these common problems caused by clogged gutters.

Continue reading “5 Common Problems Caused by Clogged Gutters”

Top 4 Fall Driving Hazards (And How to Handle Them)

by Justin Metz on October 2, 2018

The start of fall brings a lot of welcome things: a new school year, cooler temps and changing leaves.

You may not notice it right away, but your daily commute is affected by the shorter days and changing weather, too. (For example: Did you know wet leaves can be as slippery as ice?)

Continue reading “Top 4 Fall Driving Hazards (And How to Handle Them)”

Do I Need To Insure My Engagement Ring?

by Jake Plazony on August 2, 2018

Your engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry. It’s a reminder that you’ve found your person and you’re ready to build a life together.

But on the practical side, an engagement ring is a big financial investment. Even if you’re careful, life has a way of serving up surprises. Your ring could slide down the kitchen sink while washing dishes… get swept away in the waves at the beach… get stolen… or even be eaten by the family dog. (Trust us – we’ve seen it all.) Continue reading “Do I Need To Insure My Engagement Ring?”

My Car Was Broken Into. Now What?

by Justin Metz on August 3, 2018

You walk out the door, ready to start your day. Then your heart sinks as you notice broken glass surrounding your car.

Unfortunately, you’re not alone. A car break-in is a scene that too many Americans encounter each year. And after those initial feelings of shock and disappointment subside, you may be left wondering what to do next. Continue reading “My Car Was Broken Into. Now What?”

12 Motorcycle Rallies to Check Out This Summer

By Alex Buczynski on

The arrival of summer signals another season altogether: motorcycle season.

If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect opportunity to bring your bike out of the back of the garage. (Or wherever you had it stored to protect it from the winter weather).

In addition to your usual rides, there are plenty of events for you and your two-wheeled baby to enjoy. Here are 12 motorcycle rallies during Summer 2018 you won’t want to miss (we picked one from every state we do business in). Continue reading “12 Motorcycle Rallies to Check Out This Summer”

Distracted Driving

Can You Guess Our Biggest Driving Distraction?

by Erie Insurance on March 29, 2018

“Some people see driving as a time to relax and unwind and let their minds drift off, but that’s actually one of the worst things you can do,” said Jon Bloom, vice president of personal auto, Erie Insurance. “Most people know about the dangers of texting while driving, but daydreaming while driving is an almost invisible distraction – people do it automatically without even realizing the risk.”

The Erie Insurance analysis of police data from 2012-2016 showed the majority of drivers who were distracted were “generally distracted” or “lost in thought.” In fact, police report that 61 percent of distracted drivers were daydreaming at the time of a fatal crash, compared with 14 percent of drivers who were distracted by cell phone use. Erie Insurance did a similar analysis five years ago and revisited the data to see if the types of distractions had changed over the years. The analysis found the distractions were largely the same.

Here are the top 10 distractions involved in fatal car crashes:

Continue reading “Can You Guess Our Biggest Driving Distraction?”

Top three reasons

Top Three Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance

by Erie Insurance on

Before you can get the life insurance coverage you need, you need to understand why you need it. While there are many reasons to buy life insurance, the most common reasons include:

  1. Final expenses: Final expenses refer to any expenses related to someone’s passing. This can include a casket, funeral, preparations, memorial service, cremation and more.

Life insurance for final expenses is worth considering—after all, the National Funeral Directors Association reports that the median price of a funeral with a casket is more than $7,000. Funeral directors say families without enough funds are forced to cut back on the service or ask friends and family for donations. A modest term life insurance policy can unburden your loved ones by taking care of these expenses. Continue reading “Top Three Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance”

Auto Insurance Tax Deductible

Is Auto Insurance Tax Deductible? It Depends

by Carolyn Sennett on March 15, 2018

Tax deductions are a way to lower your taxable income, so you can decrease the amount of taxes that you owe the government. Thinking about the different IRS-approved deductions as you prepare your tax returns may lead you to wonder: Is auto insurance tax deductible? The answer? It depends on how you use the car and other factors.

Using a car for work
Businesses that own and are dependent on the use of company cars or a fleet of vehicles as part of its operations may deduct auto insurance as an expense of the business. According to the IRS, you can deduct the necessary cost of insurance as a business expense, if it is for your trade, business or profession. Continue reading “Is Auto Insurance Tax Deductible? It Depends”

Tips for Using Your Crock-Pot Safely

Tips for Using Your Crock-Pot Safely

by Jennifer Sonntag on

Ahh…the go-to, easy-to-use appliance in our kitchens—crock-pots. They put the question, “What’s for dinner?” to rest and give our homes and apartments the home-cooked meal smell. Here are some trusted tips to consider when using your crock-pot:

Not everything is better with age
If you’re just starting out and you’ve been “gifted” your mom’s (or grandma’s) old crock-pot, there’s something to consider: age. While it might be in great working order, a vintage crock pot from the ‘70s or ‘80s with an insert firmly attached to the heating element might need to be upgraded. Newer crock-pots also offer the convenience of being able to lift out the insert (bonus, it’s dishwasher safe!).

Some older crock-pot models also had vent holes or a notch in the lid for a spoon.  While these might’ve been convenient, the rule of thumb is that crock-pot lids should fit snugly. If the lid is warped or has one of the mentioned “features,” steam and heat will escape. Cooking times could be off and you could end up with dry or burnt food. Continue reading “Tips for Using Your Crock-Pot Safely”