
Don’t Leave the Leaves!

by Erie Insurance on October 16, 2017
Source: https://www.erieinsurance.com/blog/dont-leave-leaves

Falling leaves may be pretty, but disposing of them can get ugly. Plus, options (or laws) for burning, bagging, and composting are different in each area. Here’s what to know:

Don’t burn
Many local governments are banning leaves and other yard trimmings from landfills, and you may be tempted to burn the leaves in your yard. Leaf burning, however, becomes a fire hazard that can lead to air pollution and health problems. The open burning of leaves produces particulate matter and hydrocarbons that contain toxic, irritant and carcinogenic compounds, such as carbon monoxide. Burning leaves is not recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—nor is it legal in most states.

Do bag
If you’ve got a lot of time and a strong back (who has either, right?), bagging leaves is one option. This moderate physical activity helps build upper-body and core strength and gives you the opportunity to get outside for some fresh fall air. Remember, sticks, rocks, pine cones, limbs and other debris should not be mixed with loose leaves. Also, check with your municipality or borough to see what, if any, weight limit or bag color has been specified for leaf-filled bags, Then, when they’re ready to go, put them at the curb on your regular trash collection day or as directed.
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How to Organize a ‘Trunk-or-Treat’ Event

by Jennifer Sonntag on October 6, 2017
Source: https://www.erieinsurance.com/blog/trunk-or-treat-event

There’s a new way to trick-or-treat that’s been gaining momentum in communities over the past few years. It’s called Trunk-or-Treat. Specific organizations or businesses partner with one another to offer a less-spooky alternative to the typical nighttime trick-or-treating Halloween event. It’s great for younger children and offers a shorter, friendlier Halloween experience.

All you need is a large parking lot, participating vehicles decorated for Halloween, and attendees to enjoy the fun. Here are some tips to help you plan a trunk or treat event:

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